Collections Trends and Benchmarking
Global Report - 2023

The Collections Trends and Benchmarking Global Survey is now in its third year, monitoring changes in performance, process dynamics and technology across Collections & Recoveries, across geographies. The aim is monitor and understand trends and changes,  supporting particants, with external viewpoints for internal discussion.

Register  for 2024 questionaire and receive a free copy of the 2023 final report

Why Register?

By participating, you will provide input and receive insight on changes in collections and recoveries dynamic.  This helps facilitate discussion across the sector, with data. It is your chance to help provide insights.

What's in it for you?

  1. Exclusive Access to Results: All participants who complete the questionnaire receive early access to the summary report of the collective insights, allowing a comparative view of your position among industry peers, sparking ideas for innovation and improvement.
  2. Benchmark data: With Q1 being a peak period for Collections processes, the timing at end of year is an opportunity to gather fresh insights, preparing you to enter the new year with a solid, informed strategy.
  3. Contribute to Industry Evolution: By sharing your perspective on emerging hot topics, you're helping to drive the sector forward and ensuring you can remain at the forefront of developments in the sector.
  4. Insights on use of Tech:  Get insights on which contact and collections technology is being used and how (including now expanding for ChatGPT and AI)

Register to get a complimentary copy of the final report for 2023

Download the 2023 report below

  • weekly updates

* All data and responses treated as confidential, with final reporting provided at an aggregated summary level only.